Bureau d’accueil touristique de La Haute-Gaspésie

The Haute-Gaspésie Tourist Office is located in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts. It has all the information you need for your stay in Haute-Gaspésie region and for the Parc national de la Gaspésie. For helpful suggestions on different activities, come see us, we will be very happy to help you and answer your questions!

June 27, 2022 to April 16, 2023


96, boul. Ste-Anne O., Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, Quebec, Canada, G4V1R3
Get directions
49.12434600, -66.49151100
  • Bureau d'accueil touristique

    Bureau d'accueil touristique

  • Bureau d'accueil touristique intérieur

    Bureau d'accueil touristique intérieur

  • Affiche extérieure

    Affiche extérieure

  • Intérieur - aire consultation autres informations

    Intérieur - aire consultation autres informations

  • Extérieur



Internet access : free wireless
Documentation / publications
Drinking water
Accommodation booking

Restaurant and food services

Picnic area

Vehicle and Parking Services

Free outdoor parking
Parking for buses
Parking for motor homes
Electric vehicle charging station


Partial access (Kéroul)